Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fri Feb 4th CASSIDY LIVE - Customer Appreciation Bash!

CASSIDY LIVE - Customer Appreciation Bash!


It's Customer Appreciation at SNEAKY PETE's. WITH CASSIDY LIVE IN CONCERT Everyone $20 all night long. Just $10 before midninght. CRAZY DRINK SPECIALS: 2 for 1 Drinks until midnite - $5 Cirocs $5 Grey Goose $75 bottles of Moet all nite long!!! Music by DJ Kingsean, Ace Boogie and TG!F. 18 to enter / 21 to drink. Doors open at 10pm

Big Purple Growl Sat Feb 5th

Big Purple Growl


It the official winter homecoming after party. THE BIG PURPLE GROWL! Music by DJ Phaze and DJ Spynfo. 1st 50 girls are free...reduced info with stub all night. 18 to enter / 21 to drink. Doors open at 10pm